Do you recall when I demonstrated how I repurposed old empty perfume bottles into ornaments and diffusers some time ago? If you didn't see it, you can click the button below.
On this occasion, I have turned some small, empty perfume bottles into fancy frig magnets. While I have encountered altered perfume bottles, my online search yielded no similar results. Could these actually be a unique creation? 😱😉
Regrettably, I don't have the photos from before to share with you. During this busy holiday season, my mind is preoccupied with completing and packaging gifts, causing me to overlook things. Anyway, I do have photos of the bottles in their initial stages, with gesso, paint, and a glitter base applied.

For my initial bottle, I painted the ribbed section with gold paint and adorned it with plastic jewels - a big purple one and two small clear ones. One clear jewel was placed on the bottle's front and the other on top of the cap. Voila!

The small stout bottle was adorned with a silver-colored chain around its neck. I affixed additional clear plastic jewels all around the base and placed one on top of the cap.

This next one became my favorite, so I decided to keep it on my own frig. It will be the sole decoration on there as I believe it deserves all the attention! Nah, just kidding. I simply prefer not to clutter my fridge with magnets since I now use my phone calendar. So, I took a vintage brooch, removed the pin from the back, and embellished it with blue crystals. To enhance the beauty of the glass cap, I included a sterling silver spacer bead that I thought was perfect. 😍

The slim spray bottle was adorned with two clear plastic jewels, a clear bead on the cap, and a tie tack embellished with rhinestones. Naturally, the tack was taken off. Haha! Due to its elongated and slender design, I found that the minimalistic decoration added an elegant touch to this magnet.

Lastly, this adorable 'shorty' is adorned with a steel nut on the cap, a silver-colored chain encircling it, and a deep purple plastic jewel on the front. I particularly enjoyed blending masculine and feminine elements in this design.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present to you my unique frig magnets that are sure to attract attention. These special magnets will find a place in holiday gifts this year. Additionally, I have more perfume bottles that I plan to repurpose as well. I will take photos to share with you later.

Here they are, stuck on my frig, like tiny hostages of the kitchen realm!

This Week’s Tea Spilling
Contemplating the future of these exquisite glass bottles, I wondered how much longer they will be produced. It seems that, at least in Florida, there is a decline in the usage of fragrances, both in public settings and workplaces. Medical facilities and offices are encouraging individuals to refrain from wearing scents as a courtesy to others. Additionally, the younger generation shows less interest in expensive perfumes, partly due to cost concerns and ethical considerations. Nevertheless, there is a rise in vegan fragrances, suggesting a potential shift in preferences. Personally, I have not worn perfume since the early 2000s, but I remain appreciative of receiving these beautiful bottles. As long as people continue to use perfumes packaged in such stunning containers and send them my way (Hello Amy!!!), I will always be thankful.
I’ll be back next Wednesday to show you what I’ve been working on. Hope you’ll stop by again for a visit.
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