In my previous upcycled cigar box blog, I mentioned it would be my last. However, I might have to reconsider after creating this one. It was incredibly fun to decorate, sparking new ideas for future-themed ones. So, while I won't be running out to get more free boxes, I won't refuse one if it comes my way. If you missed the last cigar box makeover, you can click on the button below.
This box was not only well-built but also featured a beautifully red-stained top that provided a solid base for my work. However, there was a scratch on the top, which I realized I could easily conceal with something. But what could it be? And then I came up with painting the top to look like a checkerboard, ensuring that the square with the scratch would be painted black. Problem solved! Simple fix! 😉

I believe this box would be an excellent gift for anyone who enjoys playing cards or games, regardless of gender. It can conveniently hold one or two decks of cards, dice, chips, markers, a scorepad, and pencils or pens. It could also serve as storage for scissors, a stapler, tape, postage stamps, coins, cash, and more.
This Week’s Tea Spilling
Working on this cigar box reminded me of the misconception some people have about handmade items, regardless of whether they are upcycled. Some individuals believe that handmade items aren't as good as mass-produced ones, and if they receive a handmade gift, they assume the giver is being frugal. As a creative person who crafts gifts, I naturally feel the opposite. Handmade items usually require a lot of time to make and are almost always unique, as no two items are identical. They are also made with love, a significant amount of it. So, if you receive something handmade, know that you are cherished because that person cared enough to take the time to create something specifically with you in mind. This makes you special. 😍
I’ll be back next Wednesday to show you what I’ve been working on. Hope you’ll stop by again for a visit.
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