My neighbor ordered some small, clear plastic containers with twist lids some time ago. She had some leftover, though I'm not sure what they were left over from, but she asked me if I could find a use for them. I took them, and for over six months, I occasionally glanced at them, wondering how to turn them into something practical and fun. Their small size, only 4-1/4" tall with a 3/4" diameter, left me stumped. So, I kept them on my crafting table waiting for that eureka moment. Then, as it always happens, it occurred! They would become 'Happy Pills' containers. Ironically, their small size, which initially made it hard for me to envision their purpose, became the key factor in making them ideal for their new use. Well, perhaps not "new," use as I'm unaware of their original intended use, but definitely a fun purpose.

So, the containers are completed, but what about those 'Happy Pills'? What are they? Where are they? Can I get some? 😁
The pills will be chocolate M&Ms! I'll wait until it's closer to Easter to buy them because I want to fill the containers with the pastel-colored ones. I believe these will be perfect for a quick chocolate boost. Feeling stressed? Take a Happy Pill. Feeling sad? Take a Happy Pill. Feeling tired? You get the idea. They can easily fit in a pocket or a handbag/belt bag. They would also make fun favors for a wedding or shower. And finally, they are refillable, but best of all, nobody will open one of these up and not have a smile on their face. Isn't this what it is all about? It is for me.
This Week’s Tea Spilling
I'm really bummed that JoAnn Fabrics is closing for good. They won't even have an online store. It's just going to be poof! Gone. 😒 I felt the same way when A.C. Moore and Ben Franklin craft stores shut down. I get it, brick and mortar stores are fading away, but some things you just need to see and touch in person. Especially fabrics; JoAnn's had such a huge selection, too. I love upcycling fabrics, but sometimes you have to buy new ones to complete a project. Plus, I need to grab supplies like specific glues and paints. Oh well, I can't cry over 'pilled silk'... <--- Gotta admit, that's pretty clever!!! 🤣
I’ll be back next Wednesday to show you what I’ve been working on. Hope you’ll stop by again for a visit.
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Just when I think you can’t surprise me any more, bam! You do it again! So original and super colorful!! 🥰